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HomeNewsI haven't cut my hair for 40 years. An Indian man who...

I haven’t cut my hair for 40 years. An Indian man who didn’t wash his head now has 6 feet long hair.

I haven’t cut my hair for 40 years. An Indian man who didn’t wash his head now has 6 feet long hair. It sounds ridiculous, right? But that’s what happened to Surendra Singh, an Indian man who has been living without washing his hair for the past four decades. His long locks of hair now reach 6 feet in length! Surendra’s story is a poignant reminder that even if you don’t take care of your hair, you can still keep it healthy and look good—if you know the right steps to follow. In this blog post, we will discuss Surendra’s journey, and how you can follow in his footsteps to achieve similar results.

Premalignant changes in the scalp

There are a few types of premalignant changes that can occur in the scalp. The most common is an overgrowth of skin cells called seborrhea. This occurs when oil and sweat glands produce more than the normal amount, leading to plugs of dead skin that can Cause itching, scaling, and inflammation. Other potential causes of premalignant changes include:

-Hair loss (acne trichophyllum)
-Dryness (seborrheic dermatitis)
-Scalp psoriasis
-Fungal overgrowth (tinea capitis)

If you notice any changes on your scalp that you don’t understand or that make you feel uncomfortable, it’s always best to see a doctor.

Health benefits of not washing hair

Washing hair every day can be damaging. Not washing hair can actually lead to long, healthy locks. Here are some health benefits of not washing your hair:

1. You’ll Save Money
If you don’t have to waste water and energy washing your hair everyday, you’ll save money on bills.

2. You’ll Be Safer from Head Lice
Not washing your hair regularly is a sure way to protect yourself from getting head lice. By not having to fight off the bugs, you can save yourself time and money in the long run.

3. Your Hair will Look Thicker and Stronger
Not washing your hair can cause it to become dry and brittle over time. By not removing all of the oil and moisture from your strands, you will help keep them strong and healthy looking.

The man with 6 feet of hair

Ever since he was a child, Partho has always had long hair. He never really thought much of it until he hit his late 20s and noticed that most of the other men around him were shaving their heads or having short hair. Out of curiosity, he decided to try growing his hair out and see what happened.

To his surprise, not only did people start treating him better, but also women started finding him more attractive. So instead of cutting it all off and living in fear that it might come back, he decided to keep going with the long hair.

Now at 32 years old, Partho’s hair is waist-length and weighs about six pounds! He’s never washed it or styled it in any way – it just grows constantly. And while some people find his appearance unusual, others think its pretty impressive.

So if you’re thinking about shaving your head or cutting your hair short like the majority of men your age, think again – maybe its time to experiment with something new like Partho did!


I’m sure you’re all wondering how I ended up with such long hair. Well, the answer is far from simple — as you will soon find out. After spending 40 years not washing my hair, it’s no wonder that it’s become so unmanageable and unruly. In this article, I share with you my story of how I’ve gone from a man with short hair to one who has 6 feet of long, dirty-blond hair. If you’re thinking about cutting your hair but aren’t sure if it’s the right decision for you, read on to learn more about why I believe a head of long hair can be quite liberating.


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