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HomeEducationalThe role of classroom management in changing scholars’ behavior

The role of classroom management in changing scholars’ behavior


How can you change the behavior of your students in the classroom without resorting to violence, shaming, or other harsh methods? One approach is to use classroom management techniques. In this article, we will discuss some of the benefits of using these techniques and outline the role that classroom management plays in changing student behavior.

The Different Types of Classroom Management Approaches

There are many different types of classroom management approaches, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most popular approaches include: teacher-centered, student-centered, and mixed methods. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that works best for your students and your classroom.

Teacher-Centered Approaches
Teacher-centered approaches involve the teacher being the primary source of discipline in the class. This means that the teacher is responsible for setting rules and enforcing them, as well as punishing students when they break them. Teacher-centered approaches can be effective when there is a strong relationship between the teacher and the students. However, they can also be difficult to implement if the teacher isn’t comfortable with handling disciplinary issues himself or if the class is large.

Student-Centered Approaches
Student-centered approaches involve giving more responsibility to the students themselves. This means that instead of relying on the teacher to set rules and enforce them, the students are expected to take care of their own discipline problems. Student-centered approaches can be more effective when there is a good relationship between the teacher and the students. They can also be easier to implement if the class is

Pros and Cons of Each Type of Approach

There are pros and cons to each type of approach to classroom management.

The traditional “command and control” approach relies on the teacher issuing orders and expecting students to obey them. This approach can be effective in some situations, but it can also be oppressive and lead to students feeling afraid or intimidated.

A more positive approach is “cooperative learning,” which relies on students working together to solve problems and learn from their mistakes. This approach can be more challenging for teachers, as it requires more coordination and communication between students. However, cooperative learning can lead to a more engaged student population that is better prepared for college-level work.

A hybrid approach combines elements of both command and control and cooperative learning. This approach is most effective when it balances the need for direction with the need for students to take ownership of their own learning.

How to Implement a Successful Classroom Management Strategy

The successful implementation of a classroom management strategy hinges on understanding the role that classroom management plays in student behavior. In general, classroom management functions as a means to maintain order and discipline in the classroom, foster positive student attitudes and behaviors, and provide instruction. Properly implemented, a good classroom management strategy can improve student achievement.

Aspects of Effective Classroom Management

There are several key aspects of effective classroom management that should be considered when designing a strategy:

1. Structure: A well-structured class allows for clear rules and expectations to be set early on, which helps students understand what is expected of them and reduces the need for enforcement later on. This also allows for more efficient learning, as less time is wasted on confusion and conflict.

2. Communication: It is important to have open communication between teachers and students, both during class periods and outside of class as well. This allows for problems to be identified and resolved quickly, reducing the chances of them becoming larger issues. Additionally, it allows teachers to keep students informed about important information (e.g., upcoming tests) in a way that isappropriatefor their level of comprehension.

3. Motivation: It is essential to create an


A well-run classroom can be the key to helping students learn and behave in a responsible manner. In order to effectively manage this environment, educators must understand some of the principles behind effective classroom management. This article discusses five important principles that will help you manage your students’ behavior in a way that promotes learning.


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